Daily supplement intake during pregnancy

I realized how hard it is to find a website telling me how much supplements I am supposed and allowed to take, so I am going to share what I have learned here during my pregnancy and why I am taking what I am taking.

Here is the average daily dosage for a pregnant woman:
(from what gyneas and trustable websites tell me - I'm 27, by the way, and it will matter here.)

Multivitamins                1 pill (I don't really know what it consists of, sorry, but it's the 'normal' one)
Folic Acid                    0.4-5 mg
Iron Tablet                   11-14mg
Calcium                       1000-1100mg for women 19-50 years of age (1300mg for women 14-18 years of age)
Fish Oil                        500mg (250mg DHA, 20mg EPA, 18mg AA, 30mg OA, 3mg tocopherol - whatever that means)

What I ended up taking:

Multivitamins               1 pill (used to be pink Obimin but now it's orange in colour, later switching back to Obimin)
Folic Acid                   5 mg (1 pill) + (1 mg from the Iron tablet) = 6mg! (omg!)
Iron Tablet                  1 pill (250mg Ferrous gluconate, 0.2 Manganese sulphate, 0.2 copper sulphate, 50mg Vit C, 1mg Folic Acid, 7.5mcg Vit B12, 25mg Sorbitol)
Calcium                      900-1200mg (300mg per pill x 4 pills, but I usually end up taking 3)
Fish Oil                       500mg (250mg DHA, 20mg EPA, 18mg AA, 30mg OA, 3mg tocopherol - whatever that means)

Total                          8 pills a day!

That's not all. I've stopped drinking my Anmum Milk. Don't bother asking why.
I really should still be taking 1 spoon of Manuka Honey to reduce my gastric, though.. yea about that..
And I should also be drinking 2-3 glasses of fresh juice (apple, orange, carrot, celery) with Green Food, K-salt(once daily) and Spirulina.

Food Stuff I'm trying to take everyday:

  1. 3 litres of water (says the doc)
  2. 3 glasses of juice a day (says mum)
  3. More fruits and veggies (says everyone, including my mum and sis)
  4. More fruits and veggies (says everyone, including all the websites)
  5. More fruits and veggies (says everyone, including everyone)
  6. Oh, and did I mention.. more fruits and veggies? (says me but Eliada is not going to believe I meant it)
  7. 2 half boiled eggs (if the yoke is totally cooked, there's a high level of unwanted cholesterol)
  8. 1 glass of milk for pregnant women (hopefully from cows without injected hormones)
  9. Manuka honey (gastric issues)
  10. 1-3 Yogurt thingys (Yes, the calcium)
  11. Soya bean and beancurd like 'tau foo fah(for the calcium - not too much, though)

Food Stuff I'm trying to avoid (in this particular order):

  1. Pineapples (sounds like a deadly weapon)
  2. Sugar cane water (second deadliest as if - hygiene reasons being they absorb any liquid around them, including soap and animal pee - I heard of pregnant women having miscarriages because of this, so, no thanks.)
  3. Carbonated drinks (Yes, especially coke; Yes, including 100 Plus which is the safest but still has certain minerals to be avoided)
  4. Coffee, Tea (Not that it kills - they just said they're not good)
  5. Junk Food (why even eat them?)
  6. Seafood (because of the mercury and hygiene)
  7. Fried stuff (especially deep fried stuff)
  8. MSG - Monosodium glutamate (Almost all outside food - but I'm not doing very good from this point on)
  9. Herbs (this is the confusing part - I can't tell which to take and which not)
  10. Fatty foods (Animal fats, butter, oil, etc.)
  11. Any processed food (ice cream, burger patties - anything with more than 1 ingredient - Debbie's health advice)
  12. White bread, White flour and white rice (they have bleech.. yeeks)
  13. Carbohydrates (yes, of any form, really. They have no value. Want to eat more good stuff)
  14. Sugar (trying not to shut down my immune system for 24-hours by taking more than 6 tablespoons a day)

So that's all for today. I'm trying to sleep early, too.. And get Eliada to read another Bible Story to the baby - oh, and we found out that it's a 'she' =) I love her...


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