Murray Bridge Kids and Teens

Free or cheap activities at the Bridge? Here’s the list:

Check out Murray Bridge Library website for fortnightly activities on their calendar. They have craft on Thursdays. If it’s a school holiday, they even have an escape room, but need to book in advance. 

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We have our hands full with activities here. 

Make sure to go fishing at Sturt Reserve or Long Island. Don’t put the fishes back after you get them out if they’re carp. You can bring them home as a pet…. 

There’s a huge skate park at Sturt Reserve. Don’t miss this one!

And a couple of basketball courts like the one behind Fraser Park Primary School.

Every Friday night, there’s LifeKids and Youth clubbing (sorry don’t know what they’re called but looks a lot like what they’re doing) at LifeHouse.

And there’s Tuesday evening Youth at Bridge City from ages 9-15 I think 🤔 

There’s also tennis on Thurs evenings and Sat mornings if they’ve not used their $100 sports vouchers, it’s $10 a year per kid. Parents might thank you later.. hopefully. Murray Bridge Hard Court.

Sunday mornings, there’s family fun day every first Sunday of the month (I think?) at LifeHouse. With a Jumping castle or sometimes petting zoo, and food. Kids eat and drink free. On normal Sundays, they still have games and activities.

There is also church on Sundays at several places but my favourite is Revival City Church in Tailem Bend. (Formerly Lifepoint Church Tailem Bend)

There’s The Hub - At Darling Avenue for free fresh produce and budget pantry items on Friday mornings. Also has a sandpit and outdoor and indoor playground. And free breakkie for the lot of you.

The kids will tell you where to go. Or pm me for more.

Oh I almost forgot another all time favourite…… Bunnings Murray Bridge! No kidding. Ton of activities and workshops and freebies for the kids. Check out their website.


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